
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
In this episode of The Mother's Empowerment Podcast you can experience the emotional benefits of Tapping as Leah Recor leads you through a tapping experience inviting you to release anxiety and overwhelm.
With certifications as a practitioner of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming, Leah knows how to use psychology as her go-to for life and business success. Not only has applying neurology to her business models expedited her success in building her own brands, but it converted networks into authentic connections, fast-tracked strategy for increasing product sales and client conversion, and created lasting employee satisfaction. Please enjoy Leah's workshop at https://youtu.be/I8QgyIWwTYU You can also find her at her Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/leah.louiserecor?mibextid=LQQJ4d and on instagram at www.instagram.com/theabundantparent

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Have you ever heard the words “meal prep” only to imagine tupperwares full of plain chicken, rice, and green beans?
Maybe you genuinely want to eat healthier and plan ahead, but you find yourself overwhelmed by the process, and well, you don’t have six hours to prep food every Sunday. (Who does?)
In this episode, Michel Fox shares with us some practical ways you can plan your meals ahead and be intentional about nourishing your body throughout the week - without having to spend hours prepping or eating the same meal every day.
So grab a snack and tune in.
And if you want to dive into more ways to make meal planning really simple, check out Michele's website: https://www.michellefox.com. You'll learn how to develop weekly rhythms, time block your week to be more productive, and meal prep healthy meals using a quick and simple system.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
This episode explores ways to cultivate a relationship with your inner sister through mindfulness. We delve into tips and techniques for identifying and focusing on the good in your life and expanding positivity for a more fulfilling and joyful existence. We also discuss why a positive outlook significantly impacts mental and physical health and how to build resilience in facing life's challenges. This episode provides practical advice for improving your mood, boosting self-esteem, and living a happier life. I can't wait to share this episode with you. Learn more about Lindsay at https://lindsaymartenellis.com and get her book at https://amzn.to/3Xhnp0n
XXXX, Isabelle

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
What do you do when you have a friend that is in trouble? Good question! Welcome to The Mother's Empowerment Podcast! In this week’s episode, I welcomed Brenda Winkle, an energy healer for high performers and a super Mentor for The Mother's Empowerment Sisterhood. (BTW, Brenda is going to lead us through breathwork on May 6th at 10am PT. You can check out that opportunity here: https://www.isabellebridges.com/mentorconvo-brendawinkle)
Throughout the episode, Brenda opens up about the pivotal transformations she has experienced since integrating the principles of EMPOWERMENT. Not did she leave an abusive relationship, but she uses the challenged she has faced to shape the way she approaches her burgeoning business. With a focus on the art of empowerment, Brenda highlights how crucial it is for leaders—whether in family or business—to trust their instincts and safeguard their energy.
Brenda sheds light on an often-overlooked yet essential aspect of moving from fear to empowerment— receiving deep listening from our believing mirrors. She underscores the impact of having relationships with other women who make us feel SAFE.
This episode is not just an exploration of personal development; it's a mini masterclass in leadership and stewardship of one's own life.
Join us on this inspiring episode to glean wisdom from Brenda Winkle's experience with her own empowerment. Learn more about Brenda at BrendaWinkle.com

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
You're about to spend the next half hour with one of the most amazing women I have ever met... Katie Wood. Do you sometimes wish your kids would just be a little more grateful? I know I sure do.
Katie Wood's book, A Simple Seed, is now part of our morning routine.
Check out this interview with Katie, so that you can make more room for connecting with your family and what’s most meaningful in your lives.
“More is caught than taught in motherhood!” -Katie Wood
She's giving you simple, inspiring, doable strategies for gowing grateful kids.
Want to learn more about Katie Wood? Run on over to Katiewood.com
xoxo, Isabelle

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
There’s something most people are completely unaware of, but is super crucial – how our nervous system plays a big role in our relationship with motherhood.
If you want to ease your mothering journey, you’ll want to tune into my conversation with Lisa Nichols. Lisa is a coach with a twist! By combining EFT tapping with coaching, she helps women business owners build their businesses not through hard work and doing all the things the "experts" tell them to do, but from a sense of knowing: knowing the value of their inner wisdom, knowing they are worthy, and knowing they will always find the solutions they need. She is also a Reiki Master and Tarot reader.
Key Takeaways
Inner transformation requires acknowledging and working through childhood traumas and beliefs.
Tools like journaling, women's circles, EFT tapping, tarot, and Reiki can help facilitate this inner work.
Making this inner work a priority, despite excuses, is the most empowering action women can take.
All of Lisa's best selling books can be found at www.lisagaynichols.com Connect with her here: https://www.instagram.com/tappingintoyourtrueself/

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
There is undoubtedly a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about menopause... starting with the simple matter of how the various stages of menopause are classified. Julia Mitchell is a midlife health coach helping women learn the best strategies to boost metabolism, gain energy, and burn fat while navigating the menopausal transition and beyond. She's a certified coach for the FASTer Way nutrition & fitness program and is currently studying for her Menopause Coaching Specialist and Advanced Macro Coaching certifications. In this episode we talk about Navigating the Menopause Transition. Check out Julia's Five Ways to Rev Up Your Metabolism in Midlife Gift: https://juliawmitchell.myflodesk.com/midlifemetabolism
And learn more about here at Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/juliawmitchell
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/juliawmitchell/

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
In today's episode, we explore the following concepts:
Is balance even possible
Mothering during different seasons of life
Using our breath as a powerful reset, even in our busiest of moments
And so much more...
This one feels big, important and timely to me... for all of us. So I hope you love it! Thank you for being here! xoxo.
Wishing you love and balance,

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Hello Dear Ones -
Here's a little excerpt from today's show:
"I like to ask myself 'what is the most loving thing I can do moment by moment?' I make decisions by choosing with love, leading with love and leaving with love rather than making them from a place of FEAR (an accronym for: Forcing, Exhausting, Avoidance, Rigidity.)" I hope you enjoy the episode! Learn more at jadahsellner.com or follow her on social media at @jadahsellner
Until next time - I wish you a BEAUTIFUL day! xoxo

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Marisa Belger helps mothers click into the wisdom of their inner knowing so they can make choices that support their evolution. She is a certified life coach, women's group facilitator, and co-author of a series of books for mothers including The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother, the bestselling guide to women-centric care in the early weeks of motherhood and most recently, Nine Golden Months: The Essential Art of Nurturing the Mother-to-Be.
Listen in as Marisa and I talk about practice that help us get more present so we can enjoy this one precious life. Learn more about Marisa at MarisaBelger.com
Please subscribe and share this episode with your friends. You can also join our Facebook group at And remember to Rate & Review the Podcast If the Mother’s Empowerment Podcast has inspired you, I’d LOVE it if you would rate and review the podcast on your favorite podcast player! Reviews can be left on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Podcast Addict, or Stitcher.
Or simply pop on over to lovethepodcast.com/mothersempowerment and choose where you want to leave your review.
And if you want to show your appreciation for the Mother’s Empowerment Podcast, you can buy me a cup of tea at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/isabellebridges. Thank you so much! https://www.facebook.com/groups/momMEcircle.

My heart is broken. I imagine yours is, too.
It can be hard to be present with all the pain and suffering that is happening in the world and in our own homes and lives.
At the same time, I know I came here to fully show up. To root all the way into my body, and into the Earth. To live EMPOWERED.
How do we become more open to love, and the very real pain that comes with it?
How do we act powerfully from our inner knowing, including claiming our pleasure, our rest, and our empowerment?
Inside each cell of our bodies lies a sleeping lotus. Like any seed, it can lie dormant, awaiting the proper conditions to blossom.
The lotus has its roots firmly planted in the mud. So my full hearted invitation to you, dear sister, is to take full responsibility for this one precious life you have been given, and to wake up in this incarnation. To rise up out of the mud.
The above statement is simple (I invite you to read it again, outloud), and takes a lifetime of courage to put into practice. Good thing we have exactly that… a lifetime!
As empowered women and mothers, we are here to accept the mess and limitation of human life, and to know that love is limitless.
The Mother’s Empowerment Show is here to offer you practical tools to help you breathe into that lotus.
It’s time!