Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Hey mamas!In this week's episode we start our series on Cultivating Village. Kerry opens up about what village means to her. To join in on Kerry and my conversation on the 28th, head on over to https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/63107/about
As modern-day women, it can be common to feel disconnected: from ourselves and our community. This feeling of disconnect can make it even more difficult to see through the heavy, winter seasons of life to the light on the other side. On today’s episode of the Mother's Empowerment Podcast, Isabelle sits down with Kerry Ingram, founder of Village Tenders, to discuss how to not feel so alone as moms and how we can be the village that many of us long for. If you have been feeling alone, feeling the pull to reroot into your sense of self, or wanting to reconnect with a sense of community, you’ll want to listen in! Sign up to be a Village Tender at https://village-tenders.teachable.com/a/aff_gddzmz9d/external?affcode=1525089_xdctmgyn
SocialIG: @villagetendersFB: Community Supported PostpartumWEB: https://communitysupportedpostpartum.com/facilitatorcourse-1#facilitatorcourse-1
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
In today's episode, we explore the following concepts:
Is balance even possible
Mothering during different seasons of life
Using our breath as a powerful reset, even in our busiest of moments
And so much more...
This one feels big, important and timely to me... for all of us. So I hope you love it! Thank you for being here! xoxo.
Wishing your love and balance,
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
This is gonna be a good one, my friends! :)
On this week's Episode, the lovely Cara Viana joins us to share her wisdom as a long time manifesting coach. Listen in while we talk about all kinds of good stuff, like:
How RAMPAGES really work
Ways to talk to your kids about manifesting
When it comes to "making money" where does manifesting come in?! $$$
You can find Cara's podcast, Playful Spirituality athttps://www.caraviana.com/podcast
This is truly a beautiful episode! ;) See ya next week, and until then - here's to manifesting your own abundance!!!
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Hello Dear Ones -Here's a little excerpt from today's show:"I like to ask myself 'what is the most loving thing I can do moment by moment?' I make decisions by choosing with love, leading with love and leaving with love rather than making them from a place of fear."I hope you enjoy the episode! Learn more at jadahsellner.com or follow her on social media at @jadahsellnerUntil next time - I wish you a BEAUTIFUL day! xoxo
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Marisa Belger helps mothers click into the wisdom of their inner knowing so they can make choices that support their evolution. She is a certified life coach, women's group facilitator, and co-author of a series of books for mothers including The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother, the bestselling guide to women-centric care in the early weeks of motherhood and most recently, Nine Golden Months: The Essential Art of Nurturing the Mother-to-Be.
Listen in as Marisa and I talk about practice that help us get more present so we can enjoy this one precious life. Learn more about Marisa at MarisaBelger.com
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Wiebke is head of creative for BlissHaus, Author, Mom, and social media star! In this episode she covers tangible strategies for creating bliss in your own “haus” (because we aren't taught this in school), why she dislikes our culture’s drive for perfection, what we can do to feel empowered in our organizing, and so much more! This is a fun one!!
blisshaus.comInstagram: @blisshausFacebook @blisshausPinterest: @blisshaus
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
In this episode, Andrea and I have a conversation about freedom and purpose. You'll hear all about her work in energy healing, her observations about what happens when we stop listening to our intuition, and how to be truly free. Listening in will encourage YOU to keep expanding being self-imposed limitations.
You can learn more about Andrea at https://andrealuzon.com
XX, Isabelle
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
This episode explores ways to cultivate a relationship with your inner sister through mindfulness. We delve into tips and techniques for identifying and focusing on the good in your life and expanding positivity for a more fulfilling and joyful existence. We also discuss why a positive outlook significantly impacts mental and physical health and how to build resilience in facing life's challenges. This episode provides practical advice for improving your mood, boosting self-esteem, and living a happier life. I can't wait to share this episode with you. Learn more about Lindsay at https://lindsaymartenellis.com and get her book at https://amzn.to/3Xhnp0n
XXXX, Isabelle
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Special bonus episode alert! You're about to spend the next half hour with one of the most amazing women I have ever met... Katie Wood. Do you sometimes wish your kids would just be a little more grateful? I know I sure do. As you know, today is one of the BONUS episodes that In am airing before this podcast officially launches on Feb 14th and I'm so excited for you to hear Katie's message.
Katie Wood's book, A Simple Seed, is not part of our morning routine.
Check out this interview with Katie, so that you can make more room for connecting with your family and what’s most meaningful in your lives.
“More is caught than taught in motherhood!” -Katie Wood
She's giving you simple, inspiring, doable strategies for gowing grateful kids.
Want to learn more about Katie Wood? Run on over to Katiewood.com
xoxo, Isabelle
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
powerrestoreyoga.com, IG: @power__restore_yoga, FB: @Nicole Elizabeth Kock
My heart is broken. I imagine yours is, too.
It can be hard to be present with all the pain and suffering that is happening in the world and in our own homes and lives.
At the same time, I know I came here to fully show up. To root all the way into my body, and into the Earth. To live EMPOWERED.
How do we become more open to love, and the very real pain that comes with it?
How do we act powerfully from our inner knowing, including claiming our pleasure, our rest, and our empowerment?
Inside each cell of our bodies lies a sleeping lotus. Like any seed, it can lie dormant, awaiting the proper conditions to blossom.
The lotus has its roots firmly planted in the mud. So my full hearted invitation to you, dear sister, is to take full responsibility for this one precious life you have been given, and to wake up in this incarnation. To rise up out of the mud.
The above statement is simple (I invite you to read it again, outloud), and takes a lifetime of courage to put into practice. Good thing we have exactly that… a lifetime!
As empowered women and mothers, we are here to accept the mess and limitation of human life, and to know that love is limitless.
The Mother’s Empowerment Show is here to offer you practical tools to help you breathe into that lotus.
It’s time!